Custom PWM control solutions for fitness and rehab equipment

PACE Performance PWM Treadmill Drive
Easily upgrade or add new features and equipment
Adaptable CPU-based smart board. ESI PACE Performance PWM Treadmill Drives offer powerful, quiet, efficient console power, PWM belt speed control, and incline control of treadmills used in medical, health and rehabilitation machines. Adaptable control inputs and communication protocols ensure console compatibility. Built-in CPU runs all control loops internally instead of from console, resulting in better control of the motors and ability to add new features. Smart power control, safety, and service monitoring are built in.
Tech Specs
- 4 HP DC belt motor PWM drive
- 1/2 HP AC incline motor drive
- 12V 20W console power supply; separately fused
- Solid state incline control with pot feedback
- RS485 serial control interface, Modbus protocol

PACE Essential PWM Motor Control
Basic control inputs & feedback for treadmills
A consolidated interface provides all fundamental power electronics to drive the speed and grade motors of treadmills used in medical, health and rehabilitation machines. ESI PACE Essential PWM Motor Controls for treadmills offer powerful, quiet, efficient belt speed control, incline control, and console power. The console’s simple, direct control inputs and feedback provide full control of all basic treadmill functions.
Tech Specs
- 4 HP DC belt motor PWM drive
- 1/2 HP AC incline motor drive
- 12V 20W console power supply; separately fused
- Relay incline control with pot feedback
- Belt drive speed control, with on-board speed and IR compensation pots